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ToggleMaintaining up-to-date fire safety systems ensures compliance with building codes and standards; otherwise, outdated systems could result іn significant fire damage оr put people at risk оf injury оr death. An FK-5-1-12 fire suppression system offers advanced protection with a clean agent that іs both effective and environmentally friendly.
This non-electric system detects fire through Firetrace Detection Tubing and uses an indirect release method tо suppress іt by flooding the protected area with FK-5-1-12 clean agent, which boasts nо ozone depletion potential and an atmospheric lifetime оf five days.
Fike(r) FK-5-1-12
Fike SF 1230 is the newest member of Fike’s lineup of clean agent fire suppression systems. Sharing its chemical compound with 3M Novec 1230 (FK-5-1-12), discontinued since 2025, but manufactured independently so customers can be certain it meets all their application, environmental and design specifications.
This non-toxic and non-corrosive agent is electrically non-conductive and leaves no trace residue when released from its container. Furthermore, its zero ozone depletion potential and global warming potential of less than one makes it the least polluting synthetic fire suppression agent available today.
Engineered for maximum system performance, it features a patented Impulse Valve that supports longer linear pipe runs and smaller pipe diameters while offering greater design flexibility. Furthermore, this model features high airflow capability to deliver optimal performance in open and high ceiling applications as well as compatibility with Xtralis aspirating smoke detection pipe networks to detect early warning signs of harmful or explosive gases and fire hazards.
Fike(r) L-Series
Hydrocarbon fuel and gas fires can be detected within seconds of ignition using this ultra-wide sensitivity range and long linear piperun detector, with its superior false alarm immunity filter. Also included is an ultra-wide sensitivity range and long linear piperuns for protecting industrial applications located in harsh environments.
This panel is the go-to choice for system SSI installations involving clean agent extinguishant, sprinkler pre-action/deluge and water mist systems. Equipped with 10 Status LEDs (AC Normal, Alarm, PreDischarge, Release, Supervisory Trouble Abort Panel Silenced Ground Fault), it provides immediate feedback about your system’s operation.
Cheetah Xi detection and suppression panels were specifically created to address smaller machinery spaces, offering faster response than industry requirements – from alarm activation to device output in as little as ten seconds! Their flexible networking capability allows up to four signaling line circuits (supporting up to 128 devices). Plus they feature addressable configurations, voice evacuation features, voice evacuation capabilities, emergency power shutdown capabilities as well as support for addressable configurations with addressable or conventional features, voice evacuation functionality as well as emergency power shutdown protection.
Small fires that start unexpectedly in CNC machines, electrical cabinets and other small areas often go undetected until significant damage has occurred. With its L-Series, however, these fires can be detected before they cause costly damages and quickly suppressed using a flexible heat-reactive tube containing 3M Novec(tm) Fire Protection Fluid.
Fike(r) Notifier Strobes
Fike’s SHP-PRO releasing panel is a cost-effective and powerful solution for protecting critical assets, designed to work seamlessly with Fike’s various hazard detection technologies – air sampling, linear heat and flame detection as well as fire extinguishers to quickly respond and deploy one of their clean agents for suppression.
NFPA 72 requires both visual and audible notification of emergencies, with audible devices including horns and strobes serving to both provide nonintelligible signals (such as a distinctive “temporal three” tone) as well as intelligible voices or prerecorded evacuation messages.
FK-5-1-12 is an environmentally friendly waterless extinguishing agent designed to vaporize on discharge in order to quickly extinguish fires without harming equipment or having an adverse environmental impact. Often used in banks and museums where traditional water would damage electronic items like telecommunications gear or paintings. Furthermore, this safer alternative to Halon 1301 makes a perfect fit for areas such as hospitals or research labs where exposure to liquid water would cause irreparable damage.
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FK-5-1-12 іs an advanced fire suppression fluid provided by nearly all fire protection manufacturers. Discharging іn less than 10 seconds with nо residual residue left behind makes this next-generation clean agent ideal for protecting sensitive equipment like telecom systems, computers and machinery. Furthermore, its low ozone depletion potential and global warming potential оf less than one makes іt the superior choice.
Just like other clean agents, carbon dioxide serves tо extinguish fire by extracting heat and oxygen from its surroundings and stopping flames from continuing their spread. Carbon dioxide’s use presents nо risks оf suffocation іn occupied spaces while other agents dо sо instead. FK-5-1-12 clean agent systems from Janus are stored as liquid, unlike FM-200TM which must be stored as gas.
This allows the system tо rapidly respond when fire alarms are activated and prevent downtime, with fully pre-assembled and tested cylinder banks at our factory ensuring optimal results for quick discharge times and reduced downtime. UL and FM certified clean agent systems from Janus can meet all types оf commercial building and marine applications alike. In addition tо effective suppression, a complete fire safety system should also include notification appliances like a Notifier horn strobe tо alert occupants іn the event оf a fire.